
“Keep Awake”

  “Abide in me as I abide in you.”

Heather Sisk facilitates environments for spiritual inquiry through direction sessions, contemplative & communal prayer, quiet days, retreats, and the visual arts.
She has been offering group and individual Spiritual Direction since 2009.

Upcoming Retreat

Join The Rev. Heather Sisk in a retreat exploring Mary Magdalene’s spiritual journey as an archetype for our individual path.

Next Retreat: Mary Magdalene’s Witness
2025 Trinity Retreat Center, Cornwall CT
February 4th – 6th (Tuesday – Thursday)

Click here to contact me

Centering Prayer On-Line
Thursdays 6-6:30 p.m.

Join us for a short reading and
twenty minutes of silent meditation

Details & contact info for link

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a form of companionship. It is not counseling. Together we sit in confidential sessions devoted to listening with open ears and an open heart for where we are directed in our spiritual life.

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